
There is no existential threat, ChatGPT is an evolutionary dead end

I think this is the real danger of AI - that we want to believe. Chatbots are so plausible they draw us in, even when we should know better. They give confident, and completely wrong answers, in a way that we are all too happy to accept. They seem to have generated a veneer of respectability and credibility which is wholly unearned.


One year and 21 fascinating data conversations

21 guests and one year later, Make Me Data Literate is breaking new ground. Don't be afraid of data. It can be an extraordinarily powerful tool in any field, and you don't need wildly technical skills in order to make sense of a spreadsheet. Imagine if we all had the power to ask for evidence, and to critically interrogate that evidence. That's the world I'm working towards, and I'm so grateful to all of my Make Me Data Literate guests who are helping me along the way!


Raising Heretics on a Diet of Open Data

There's a lot of talk about boosting the pipeline. About getting more women and non binary folks into tech in general, and Data Science in particular. But as long as we focus on recruitment and, at a pinch, university education, as the means to address the problem, we will continue to fail, because we know that kids are being put off STEM, technology, and data skills as early as lower primary school.


ChatGPT is not a threat to authentic assessment

Artificial Intelligence is not the problem. It’s our education system that needs to become intelligent, and fit for purpose at last. ChatGPT could be the kick that we've been waiting for - an impetus that could propel us into a more engaging, useful, and valid form of education.